Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sharing the Knowledge

Right now I am working on a project at that will allow me to share some of what I learn in setting up this process and to help others realize the importance of managing their search engine reputation.  I will be creating multiple lenses on the topic and breaking it down between business and personal.

The entry lens once I have enough of them built will be a into to Managing Your Search Engine Reputation.  Then it will break out into other points.  The first one I have built in this collage is around Personal Search Engine Reputation Management.  It has more to do with acceptable behavior in online settings and showing others what can show up for their name when others "Google" it.

The cool thing about doing this with Squidoo it will rank well eventually in the SERP for the terms and will probably get a lot of traffic from them.  Right now I am working on creating a powerhouse squidoo profile with tons of content.  Most of it will be around helping conumers save money on cars, online automotive marketing and search engine reputation management.

I still have a lot to learn on the last topic but in the process of building these lenses it and the research it requires I will pick up a lot of valuable information.

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