Sunday, November 12, 2017

Personal Brand Protection

For individuals they should have their personal brands locked down beyond reproach. This is done by making sure your skills and personal Social Media profiles are beyond reproach. Major sites you should have well defined profiles.

  1. Linkedin - 100% necessary. Needs to be complete with ultimate brand protection.
  2. Twitter - 85% needed. Twitter is a time waster if used to it's fullest. Be careful with this one but it is a perfect brand protection property.
  3. Google Sites - 100% - Create a google site showcasing your expertise
  4. Personal Blog - 85% only do this if you want to share your life and experiences with other people.
  5. Facebook - 65% Be careful with this. If you share Friday night out on the town make sure you keep your content private.
Right now I am testing Google sites for other purposes. I have created pages for Automotive SEO and for LED Light Facts. It will be fun to watch these properties rank for money keywords.

I'll show off my resume made with Google Sites this week.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Adding a Multi Layer Approach

Anyone that knows anything about SEO know the value of web 2.0 properties for showing in the serps and to provide link equity back to client or other off site properties. Below is a real simple diagram: Click image to see better.

Google Dance and Reputation Management

On the last post here I outlined how to get negative and positive third party rankings to move up in the serps for businesses. On that current case study Google is dancing. As a matter of fact she is jumping on and off the dancefloor for my desired results.

It will take a month or so for it all to stick but she is fun to watch while she runs up and down.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Social Signals and SERM

Social signals are a very important part of SEO in today's algorithm. The good thing about SERM is you can get others to give you social signals with very little effort. All you have to do is call out a polarizing individual in a social setting. Then they are more than willing to give notice to your postings and content.

In just one mention of a douchebag and the sharing he did about it in social media it got a site out of the Google sandbox and sent it over 2000 visits in one day.

My goal in writing an article about him was to help me get other content indexed because I knew how he would respond based on other interactions he has with people online by sharing my content multiple times. I know for a fact he shared it on Facebook and Twitter based on traffic stats.

JL Van Dyke you were my bitch and did not even realize it.